CONSUMER LITIGATION NEWS – Recent Home Depot Settlements Bring Another Victory to California Consumers

In a series of recent legal actions, Home Depot has been ordered to pay millions in settlements for violating consumer protection laws in California.  These cases serve as another victory for consumers across the state, further showcasing the strength of California’s consumer protection framework and the commitment of local district attorneys to safeguarding residents from unfair business practices.

Overcharging Home Depot Customers – $2 Million Settlement

Home Depot was recently hit with a civil enforcement lawsuit, accusing the company of overcharging customers at checkout.  According to a complaint filed in San Diego Superior Court, Home Depot engaged in “scanner violations,” where customers were charged more than the prices listed on the shelf or on the product itself.  This practice falls under false advertising and unfair competition, both of which are violations of California’s consumer protection laws.

In a settlement reached with district attorneys from across the state, Home Depot agreed to pay nearly $2 million.  This amount includes $1.7 million in civil penalties and $277,251 to cover the costs of the investigation and support future enforcement actions.  As part of the settlement, Home Depot must also implement a price accuracy program to ensure that future scanner violations do not occur .

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón emphasized the importance of protecting consumers, stating, “False advertising and unfair competition are serious offenses that undermine consumer trust and distort the marketplace.”  The penalty serves as a warning to other retailers who might attempt to exploit their customers through deceptive pricing practices.

Violations of Gift Card Redemption Laws – $750,000 Settlement

In a separate case, Home Depot faced another lawsuit for failing to comply with California’s gift card redemption laws.  Under these laws, businesses are required to allow customers to redeem gift cards for cash if the balance is less than $10.  Home Depot’s failure to comply with these regulations resulted in a $750,000 settlement .

As part of this settlement, Home Depot did not admit any wrongdoing but agreed to take corrective measures.  The company has committed to automatically program its registers to ensure compliance with the cash redemption rule.  They will also include clear notices about this law on gift cards, websites, and at customer service stations in their California stores.  In addition, Home Depot will provide additional training to its California employees to prevent future violations.

District Attorney Gascón reiterated the importance of enforcing gift card redemption laws, noting that they are designed to “safeguard the rights of hardworking individuals” who might need to access their funds, particularly in challenging financial times .

The Importance of Consumer Protection Laws

These two settlements underscore the critical role of consumer protection laws in California.  With Home Depot now required to implement corrective programs to address overcharging and gift card redemption violations, California consumers can rest assured that legal safeguards are in place to protect their rights.  The successful outcomes of these cases demonstrate the ongoing efforts of district attorneys to hold corporations accountable when they violate state laws.

For California consumers, these settlements are a reminder that there are legal options available when businesses engage in unfair practices.  Whether it’s deceptive pricing at checkout or failure to honor gift card redemption laws, businesses must follow the rules, or they risk facing legal repercussions.

If you believe you have been affected by similar violations, R23 Law’s California Consumer Protection Lawyers can help. 

We specialize in consumer protection litigation and have a proven track record of holding corporations accountable for unlawful practices.  Contact us today for a free consultation to explore your legal options.




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