DATA BREACH – A Guide for Consumers On What to Do When Your Information Is Compromised

As a consumer, you trust the companies you interact with to safeguard your sensitive information.  But what happens when that trust is broken?  Receiving notice that your personal data has been compromised in a breach can be incredibly stressful.  It's crucial to know the right steps to take to protect yourself and minimize any potential harm. 

Well you came to the right place – here we’ll outline the essential actions you should take following a data breach and explain why consulting with one of our expert California Data Breach Lawyers is vital if you’ve suffered damages.

Understanding Data Breaches

A data breach occurs whenever unauthorized parties gain access to your personal information—whether the breach is intentional or accidental.  For instance, an internal mishap like an email containing sensitive client details being sent to an employee without proper clearance is still considered a breach, even if it was unintentional.

However, most people associate data breaches with malicious activities, such as hacker groups gaining unauthorized access to personal data stored by online retailers, healthcare providers, or other businesses.  These cybercriminals might use your information directly or sell it to others with ill intent, leading to issues like fraudulent credit card charges or even crimes committed in your name.

Steps to Take After a Data Breach

  • Place a Fraud Alert or Credit Freeze: Immediately contact credit bureaus to place a fraud alert or freeze on your credit report.  This prevents new accounts from being opened in your name without your authorization.

  • Notify Financial Institutions: Contact your bank, credit card companies, and other financial institutions to inform them of the breach.  They can issue new cards and monitor your accounts for unusual activity.

  • Secure Your Accounts: Change the passwords for all your online accounts, and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.  This added security measure will require you to verify your identity before accessing your accounts.

  • Monitor Your Accounts: Regularly check your bank accounts, credit card statements, and other financial records for any suspicious transactions.  Look out for any unauthorized charges or other signs of fraud.

  • Watch for Suspicious Communications: Keep an eye on your email and other communications for any unusual activity, such as receiving invoices, receipts, or emails about services or purchases you didn’t authorize.

Notable Data Breaches - Billions of Consumers Had Their Info and Social Security Numbers Stolen

National Public Data National Data Breach (2024)


  • Details: According to a class-action lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the hacking group USDoD claimed in April to have stolen personal records of 2.9 billion people from National Public Data.

Equifax Data Breach (2017)

  • Affected: 147 million individuals

  • Details: Personal information, including Social Security numbers, birth dates, and addresses, was exposed due to a vulnerability in the company’s website.

Yahoo Data Breach (2013-2014)

  • Affected: 3 billion accounts

  • Details: This is the largest data breach in history, affecting all of Yahoo’s user accounts. Stolen data included names, email addresses, phone numbers, and hashed passwords.

Target Data Breach (2013)

  • Affected: 40 million payment card accounts, 70 million additional customer records

  • Details: Hackers accessed Target’s point-of-sale system, compromising customer payment information during the holiday shopping season.

Marriott International Data Breach (2014-2018)

  • Affected: 500 million guests

  • Details: Personal information, including passport numbers, credit card details, and reservation information, was compromised through a breach of the Starwood guest reservation database.

Facebook Data Breach (2019)

  • Affected: 533 million users

  • Details: Personal data, including phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, and locations, was scraped and exposed on a public forum.

Anthem Data Breach (2015)

  • Affected: 78.8 million individuals

  • Details: The health insurance company suffered a breach that exposed personal information, including names, Social Security numbers, addresses, and employment details.

Sony PlayStation Network Data Breach (2011)

  • Affected: 77 million accounts

  • Details: A cyberattack on Sony’s PlayStation Network exposed names, addresses, email addresses, and possibly credit card data of users.

Adult Friend Finder Data Breach (2016)

  • Affected: 412 million accounts

  • Details: A breach exposed sensitive data, including email addresses, passwords, and usernames, across the company’s various websites.

Ashley Madison Data Breach (2015)

  • Affected: 32 million users

  • Details: The breach exposed users’ email addresses, names, credit card details, and information about their interactions on the website, leading to significant public scandals.

Uber Data Breach (2016)

  • Affected: 57 million riders and drivers

  • Details: Personal information, including names, email addresses, and driver’s license numbers, was stolen. The company paid $100,000 to the hackers to keep the breach quiet.

MyFitnessPal Data Breach (2018)

  • Affected: 150 million accounts

  • Details: Usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords were compromised in this breach of the fitness tracking app.

Contact A California Data Breach Lawyer Now for More Help

If you’re a victim of identity theft, the most important step you can take is to consult with an experienced attorney.  Unfortunately, many victims aren’t aware of their legal rights and may miss out on compensation they’re entitled to for the damages they’ve suffered.  At R23 Law, our team of experienced California Data Breach Lawyers are dedicated to advocating for consumers like you.  We can help you navigate the legal complexities of your situation and work towards securing the compensation you deserve.

Don’t face this alone — CONTACT us today to learn how we can assist you in protecting your rights and recovering from a data breach.


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