FTC CRACKING DOWN – Big Tech’s Dirty Secret Exposed in Data Privacy Failures

In a report recently released by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), tech giants such as Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, and TikTok have come under fire for their inadequate data privacy practices.

The FTC’s findings highlight disturbing trends, particularly the "vast surveillance" of user activity and the lack of protections for personal data—especially when it comes to children and teens.

How Big Tech Profits Off Your Data

The FTC report paints a concerning picture of how these companies operate. Their business models are built on massive data collection. Every click, every view, and every interaction is monitored, recorded, and turned into profit through targeted advertising. In essence, user data is being treated as a commodity, and that surveillance is creating billions of dollars in revenue for these companies.

While these practices may be great for their bottom line, they pose significant risks to user privacy. From identity theft to digital stalking, consumers are increasingly vulnerable to these data practices, with little transparency on how their information is being handled.

Failing to Protect Kids

One of the most troubling revelations is how these platforms are inadequately protecting children and teenagers. While U.S. law does have some safeguards in place for children under the age of 13 through the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), the FTC report makes it clear that much more needs to be done. The failure of tech giants to recognize the presence of young users on their platforms, let alone offer them proper privacy safeguards, is a glaring oversight.

The Need for Federal Data Privacy Laws

The FTC’s report has brought data privacy back into the spotlight, with lawmakers pushing for more stringent regulations. Although several states have already enacted comprehensive laws to regulate how companies collect, use, and share personal information, there is a growing demand for federal legislation. The goal? A nationwide data privacy framework that protects all consumers from "abusive data practices."

What the Future Holds for Data Privacy

The FTC has made several recommendations to improve the data privacy landscape. These include limiting data collection, deleting consumer information when it’s no longer needed, and ensuring that privacy policies are clear and understandable to consumers. Companies are also being urged to provide better transparency around how they use data and to strengthen protections for children.

If the FTC’s recommendations are implemented, we may see significant changes in how data privacy is managed across the digital landscape. Until then, consumers remain vulnerable to the data collection practices of Big Tech.




If you're concerned that your personal data has been mishandled or that your privacy rights have been violated, R23 Law's California Data Privacy Lawyers are here to help. Our experienced team can guide you through your options and hold tech companies accountable.

Contact us today for a free legal consultation to protect your privacy and secure your rights.
